Blog. Excellent experience management is based on great communication with people.

Tag: Customer Experience

What is CSAT & How to Measure Customer Satisfaction?

What is CSAT & How to Measure Customer Satisfaction?

In today’s business landscape, customer satisfaction has emerged as a crucial metric for success. Understanding and measuring customer satisfaction is paramount for companies looking to thrive and grow. Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) is a metric that allows businesses to gauge how well they meet their customers’ needs and expectations. What is CSAT? Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) is […]

Karolina Konopka

Customer support manager

Karolina Konopka
8 tips to get feedback from customers effectively

8 tips to get feedback from customers effectively

Customer feedback is an essential tool for business growth and improvement. It is a known fact that companies that listen to their customers and act upon their feedback are more likely to succeed in the long run. However, obtaining honest and valuable feedback can be a challenge for most companies. While there are many ways […]

Karolina Konopka

Customer support manager

Karolina Konopka
Top 5 Customer Experience Management Software of 2023
Opinions & Expertise

Top 5 Customer Experience Management Software of 2023

Creating a positive and memorable customer experience is essential in ensuring customers keep using your service long-term. It is important to take into account a wide range of factors that contribute to such an experience. For example, customer service interactions can significantly shape a customer’s perception of your service. Ensuring that your customer service representatives […]

Karolina Konopka

Customer support manager

Karolina Konopka
Best customer satisfaction survey questions

Best customer satisfaction survey questions

Customer satisfaction surveys are crucial for businesses looking to understand their customers’ experiences and gather feedback. By asking the right questions, companies can gain valuable insights into what is working well and what needs improvement. However, with so many options for survey questions, it can be difficult to know where to start. This article will […]

Karolina Konopka

Customer support manager

Karolina Konopka
Customer Effort Score (CES): definition and tips

Customer Effort Score (CES): definition and tips

The Customer Effort Score (CES) is one of several metrics companies use to measure customer satisfaction. As a rule, one question determines how much effort the customer took to find a solution to the request or problem. Measuring it can help you accurately predict future business successes or failures.

Karolina Konopka

Customer support manager

Karolina Konopka

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