Sharing survey link

Every Survey created in Responsly has a unique link. This means that each survey you create will have its own distinct web address. When visitors access this link, they can rest assured that their responses will remain anonymous.

Types of links:

  • Standard link - it can also start with https://survey.responsly....

  • Custom link

  • Custom subdomain

  • Custom domain

You can share this link on social media platforms by simply copying and pasting it, or by using our shortcut to automatically publish it on a platform.

Customizing survey meta data

You can control the way the Survey link is shown on social media platforms. By default, a survey thumbnail will be generated with the Welcome Page of the Survey. You can upload your own image.

If you don't want Google or other search engines to index your Survey, you can disable that.

Custom Survey link

You can create a link with a custom name for easier recognition. You can enter name and save.

Survey QR code

Every survey has auto generated QR code. Just click QR code on sharing page and you will see the code. You can download it in PNG or SVG (for print materials).

Need help or have more questions?

Responsly Employee Experience platform helps us to manage employee satisfaction and communication within our organization.

Alicja Zborowska, Administration Specialist

Red bull

We automated the product experience managment process.


Managing customer experience is made easy with Responsly.


Our suppliers are surveyed quickly and efficiently.

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