Survey A/B testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method for comparing two versions of a webpage, email, or survey to see which performs better. In surveys, A/B testing helps identify statistically significant differences between groups of respondents, guiding decisions on survey design, question-wording, or analysis methods.

There are two main types of A/B testing:

  • Test A vs. B: Comparing two versions of a survey or webpage to determine which performs better.
  • Split Test: Randomly dividing respondents into groups to evaluate different survey versions.

When using A/B testing, focus on meaningful variables, like page layout or call-to-action text, that impact conversion rates. In Responsly, respondents are randomly assigned conditions without knowing the alternatives, ensuring unbiased feedback.

Enabling A/B testing in survey

To enable A/B testing in a survey, we will use hidden variables. We will add hidden variable with name ab

With that, we will allow the form to be controlled by the variable, we can have as many versions as we want:

Adding questions for A/B survey testing

We've added 3 questions, but the user will see only two questions. Second question will be depending on which test you're running. To achive that, we need to send logic rules.

Logic rules for A/B testing

We only need to add two rules. First, just before TEST - A question to jump to TEST - B question if our hidden variable ab == B, and the second rule is to skip the TEST - B question if the ab == A.

You can now send different versions of your survey to different people, and you can also do that automatically with our Distribution module.

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Responsly Employee Experience platform helps us to manage employee satisfaction and communication within our organization.

Alicja Zborowska, Administration Specialist

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